Azra Baig is the right choice for South Brunswick school board

The South Brunswick School Board election is Nov. 8, and I am so proud to endorse Azra Baig, community activist, and my good friend, for one of the three vacated seats on the school board.

Born in Ohio and attending public school in Medina, Ohio, Azra was very active in the student council and the National Honor Society from the beginning. She received her nursing degree from Case Western University in Cleveland. Azra worked at Cleveland Clinic in cardiac and emergency departments.

She has been a longtime resident of South Brunswick, is married and has two daughters who went to South Brunswick elementary schools.

Azra works as a nurse in the Princeton and North Brunswick school districts. She is working with students for their physical and mental health wellbeing. She has been very active in the South Brunswick Parent Teacher Organization and Viking Athletic Club. Both daughters played soccer, basketball and track and field and Azra supports the sports with a great passion. They also participated in the band through middle school.

Azra stays very active in her professional and personal life by dedicating her time in voluntary work and getting involved in various community projects throughout the year and helping others and by working out to stay healthy.

She was previously on the board of the Islamic Society of Central Jersey.

For the past four years, Azra brought a lot of her experience tp the school board, where there was a need to bring new innovative ideas to tackle fiscal and personnel challenges in the 21st century as well as keeping up with ever-changing technology to bring our education system to compete at a national level.

I am very confident that Azra will continue to bring positive and innovative ideas to take our school system to the next level for a better future for hard-working parents and students in South Brunswick. Azra continues to represent diversity in the township by getting involved with hardworking parents, teachers, school programs such as music and sports, and she will continue to help build the partnerships through different communities to bring South Brunswick schools to a top level in education while keeping our community united and safe.

Dr. Tushar B. Patel
South Brunswick