Free seminar offered on divorce law, child custody, grandparents’ rights

The public is invited to attend a seminar on Divorce, Child Custody and Grandparents’ Rights, sponsored by the New Jersey State Bar Foundation, from 7-9 p.m. on Oct. 20 at the New Jersey Law Center in New Brunswick off Ryders Lane.

Topics will include grounds for filing for divorce in New Jersey, the process for obtaining a divorce through the courts, alternative methods of dispute resolution, types of custody in New Jersey, custody arrangements and implications, the process for resolving custody disputes and the process for proceeding with a grandparent complaint.

Speakers will be the the Honorable Eugene A. Iadanza, of counsel at the Law Office of Timothy F. McGoughran, Ocean; and attorney Francesca O’Cathain, a partner at the law firm of Lesnevich, Marzano-Lesnevich & Trigg, LLC, Hackensack.

A question-and-answer period will follow the presentations.

Admission is free but reservations are required by visiting or calling 732-937-7518.