Michaud appointed to school board

By Matthew Sockol
Staff Writer

The seat on the Upper Freehold Regional School District Board of Education that is held by a resident of Allentown has been filled.

On Sept. 21, board members voted to appoint Lara Michaud of Allentown to serve the remainder of the term that was previously held by Doug Anthony of Allentown.

Anthony passed away in August. The term he held on the board will conclude on Dec. 31.

The nine-member board is made up of eight residents of Upper Freehold Township and one resident of Allentown.

Michaud appeared before the board during a Sept. 21 public meeting to seek appointment to the open seat following a preliminary interview with board President Patricia Hogan.

No other individuals appeared before the board to apply for the Allentown seat.

Another applicant contacted Hogan about the open seat, but withdrew for personal reasons, according to Business Administrator Margaret Hom.

Hogan and board members Michele Anthony, Howard Krieger, Tia McLaughlin, Timothy Stolzenberger and Kurt Wayton voted to appoint Michaud to the open seat.

Millstone Township K-8 School District Board of Education member Billy Hanson, who sits on the regional board because Millstone residents attend Allentown High School on a tuition basis, also voted to appoint Michaud to the open seat. Hanson votes on matters that concern Allentown High School.

Michaud is a media and marketing professional who works as a director of media and promotions for Showtime Networks. She has lived in Allentown since 2007. She serves on The Allentown Village Initiative Board of Trustees.

A full three-year term for Allentown’s representative on the school board will appear on the Nov. 8 ballot, but without a candidate listed.

Anthony had filed a nominating petition to run for a new term. Following his passing, no one from Allentown filed a nominating petition to seek the seat. Michaud said she will seek the three-year term as a write-in candidate on Nov. 8.