Seniors plan trips to Christmas show, light display

Our Lady of Victories (OLV) Seniors will sponsor two upcoming holiday trips.

A Dec. 5 excursion to Resorts International, Atlantic City, will include the “Christmas Memories” show featuring the 20-piece Latshaw Pops Orchestra, complete with singers and dancers. Cost is $100 and includes the show, bus transportation, bus gratuity, a $10 slot-play bonus, a meal voucher and snacks on the bus. For more information or to reserve, call Carmen at 732-254-9425.

A trip to see the lights and decorations in Dyker Heights, Brooklyn, N.Y., is planned for Dec. 16. Cost is $165 and includes dinner at Tommaso Restaurant with singing chef Tom Verdillo, bus transportation, bus gratuity and snacks. A deposit of $20 is due at registration. For more information, call Finita at 732-721-5081.