Police accuse home nurse aide of stealing from elderly client

SOUTH BRUNSWICK — Police have charged a home nurse aide from Somerset with theft and credit card fraud of an elderly client.

Relatives of a Dayton woman reportedly contacted police to report suspicious activity on her credit card, according to a statement prepared by the South Brunswick Police Department. The relatives also noted that a Galaxy tablet was possibly missing from the victim’s home, police said.

Detective Dennis Yuhasz reviewed the victim’s financial records, according to the statement, which allegedly showed that between Aug. 8-25, the victim’s credit card had been used for cash withdrawals 12 times. The money had been taken from various locations in Irvington and Union Township.

In the six months prior to the aide being hired, there were no cash withdrawals from the bank using the credit card, police said. The investigations found more than $1,000 had been stolen from the victim during the month of August.

On Sept. 26, Caitlyn Burton, 21, surrendered at police headquarters, police said. She was charged with theft, theft of a credit card and fraudulent use of a credit card. Police recovered the Galaxy tablet. Burton was processed and issued a complaint pending her first court appearance, according to the statement.