MUST How to manage pain without pills

Dr. Leonard J. Somarriba,

D.P.T. , C.S.C.S.

The management of chronic pain is a specialty in medicine that helps millions of Americans living in pain. An estimated 126.1 million adults have experienced some pain in the past three months and 25.3 million adults experience pain daily (Estimates of Pain Prevalence and Severity in Adults: United States, 2012 – August 2015). The management of this pain is vital to the health and wellness of the patients who need to restore and maintain function to lead their daily lives. Since 1999, management of pain has been dominated by the prescription of opioid medications. The consequences of this prescription volume have been widespread and tragic.

As many as 1 in 4 people who receive long term opioid pain relief prescriptions will struggle with addiction. According to the American Physical Therapy Association, physicians wrote 259 million prescriptions for opioid pain medication in 2012 alone (APTA). Unfortunately, this has contributed to a significant increase in deaths related to opioid overdose. As of 2012, the CDC has officially changed its guidelines regarding long term pain management. Non-pharmacologic treatments are now prioritized over prescription medication for the treatment of a variety of chronic pain conditions. Treatments like physical therapy can provide great relief for chronic pain without the widespread negative consequences of opioid medication.

Physical therapy aims to treat the cause of pain rather than mask the symptoms. A Doctor of Physical Therapy will create an individualized plan of care that addresses the patient’s complex needs. In contrast, an opioid medication will only mask the pain. This nonpermanent solution does not address the root of the physiological issue behind the pain. Opioid use can lead to withdrawal symptoms, depression, addiction, and overdose. The effectiveness of opioids for treatment of chronic pain has been inconclusive in studies. In contrast, physical therapy is an evidence based practice that uses applied research to most effectively treat pain conditions.

A patient in chronic pain should carefully consider their options regarding treatment. Treatment can go far beyond the scope of opioid medication to relieve pain and treat the condition. There are a number initiatives within the APTA to allow patients greater access to physical therapy as their first line of defense against pain. By repealing the Medicare therapy cap, allowing patients to choose their physical therapist, and eliminating the barrier of required referral through Direct Access, healthcare is moving in a direction away from opioid pain relief and toward comprehensive treatment and care of pain.

If you are experiencing pain that is limiting your daily life, consider calling ProFysio Physical Therapy to schedule an initial evaluation today. Our Doctors of Physical Therapy provide industry leading care to alleviate your pain and meet your goals. At ProFysio, we guarantee clinical excellence and unmatched customer service to provide you with a physical therapy experience that exceeds your expectations and provides the relief you need.


Dr. Leonard J. Somarriba D.P.T, C.S.C.S., is owner of ProFysio Physical Therapy LLC. For more information, call 732-201-7450 or visit ProFysio has two locations: 1212 Route 34, Suite 24-25, Aberdeen; and 2124 Route 365 South, Holmdel