Howell couple seeking deal in dog hoarding case

By Peter Elacqua
Staff Writer

HOWELL – A Howell couple who had almost 300 dogs living in their home on Bennett Road are attempting to work out a plea agreement in municipal court in order to avoid a trial.

On Sept. 28, Charlene and Joseph Handrick made their second appearance in Howell municipal court before Judge Susan Schroeder Clark and Prosecutor Steven A. Zabarsky. The couple is represented by attorney Raymond Raya.

During the appearance, the attorneys discussed the terms of a potential agreement. No testimony was presented and no agreement was reached that afternoon. Clark said a hearing would be scheduled on a date to be determined this month.

“The Associated Humane Societies and the Monmouth County SPCA (MCSPCA) have been enormously cooperative during their investigation and in dealing with my clients,” Raya said. “I have every confidence the state will offer an agreement that would represent justice in this case.”

On June 3, 276 dogs were removed from the Handricks’ home by representatives of the MCSPCA. The dogs were accepted by the MCSPCA, Eatontown; the Associated Humane Societies, Tinton Falls; and St. Hubert’s Animal Welfare Center, Madison.

Charlene and Joseph Handrick were each charged with 276 counts of animal cruelty for failure to provide proper shelter for the dogs and 276 counts of animal cruelty for failure to provide proper veterinary care. They received summonses for failure to license and vaccinate hundreds of the dogs.

Each charge carries a maximum fine of $1,000 with a possibility of jail time and community service for the charges which are considered disorderly persons offenses. The couple was informed they could be liable for costs associated with the care and shelter the dogs received after they were removed from the home and before they were placed with new owners.