Three seek seats on regional school board

By Matthew Sockol
Staff Writer

Three three-year terms on the Upper Freehold Regional School District Board of Education will be up for grabs in the Nov. 8 election. The board oversees the operation of the Newell Elementary School, the Stone Bridge Middle School and Allentown High School.

Upper Freehold Township and Allentown are the district’s constituent municipalities. Millstone Township sends students to Allentown High School on a tuition basis in a send-receive relationship.

The terms of board members Patricia Hogan and Tia McLaughlin will end in December. Hogan and McLaughlin filed nominating petitions to run for new three-year terms. Hogan is serving as the board’s president in 2016.

Hogan and McLaughlin are representatives of Upper Freehold Township and will be on the ballot in the township.

Lara Michaud is running as a write-in candidate for a three-year term as Allentown’s representative on the board.

Douglas Anthony, who held that seat, filed a nominating petition to run to retain his position, but died in August. No other candidates filed a nominating petition to run for the Allentown seat.

Michaud was appointed to the board on Sept. 21 to complete Anthony’s term, which will end in December.

Hogan, 53, is a local Realtor who has lived in Upper Freehold Township since 2001. She has served on the school board for 10 years and has served as president of her homeowners association for 13 years.

“I am seeking re-election because I have found this role to be one of the most rewarding I have ever had,” Hogan said. “Our district consists of amazing volunteers, educational leaders, dedicated teachers and staff who work with our families to promote high student achievement and success for every level of learner. It has been my privilege to serve this district and I would like to continue to be a partner and contributor in the future of our communities.

“My professional background is corporate operations, logistics and, most recently, real estate. I have a tangible sense of how our schools impact the local economy and home values, and I am committed, along with our district leadership, to providing our communities with the highest level of educational opportunities for our children, while being fiscally responsible to our taxpayers.”

Hogan said in her next term she will work toward improving the relationship the regional district has with the Millstone Township K-8 School District Board of Education, oversee the completion of Upper Freehold Regional’s strategic plan and continue the district’s focus on increasing its depth of learning opportunities for students within a responsible budget.

McLaughlin, 44, is an educator who works as a learning disability teacher consultant on a child study team. She previously worked as a teacher of children with special needs. McLaughlin has lived in Upper Freehold Township for 19 years and has served on the board for three years.

“I am seeking re-election to the board to share my enthusiasm for student achievement and to help to enhance student experiences in my community,” McLaughlin said. “My experience working in public schools for the last 22 years allows me to see how board decisions truly affect students and staff at the most basic level.”

McLaughlin said she will continue to address the need for improved communication with the Millstone Township school board, specifically the need for direct board-to-board communication, continue to serve on the board’s policy committee and continue to serve on the board’s curriculum council.

Michaud, 35, is a media and marketing professional who works as a director of media and promotions at Showtime Networks. She has lived in Allentown since 2007. In addition to her seat on the school board, she serves on The Allentown Village Initiative Board of Trustees.

“I have loved Allentown since I first laid eyes on it and I am privileged to live within a beautiful, historic and charming community where people look out for one another,” Michaud said. “I have two small children, one of whom just began kindergarten this year at the Newell Elementary School.

“I see this board seat as an opportunity to give back to the community and have a deep understanding of the whole education process while also being able to connect with my children as they experience it.

“My strongest asset is my burning desire to ask questions, test ideas and solve problems. I see the board as a constant dialogue between the community, the educators and the municipalities. I believe my qualifications will grow and improve the district by helping the board review analytics, test new ideas and examine what is working,” she said.

Michaud said if she wins a full term, she will focus on helping to find ways to prioritize the district’s fine arts programs, to improve communication with partner districts to benefit all students and to find new and innovative ways to help with funding.