Eric Sucar

Legislation streamlining suicide prevention services introduced

Assemblyman Declan O’Scanlon (R-Monmouth) has introduced legislation, A-4220, that consolidates the Youth Suicide Prevention Council and the Elderly Person Suicide Prevention Advisory Council into one, statewide advisory council, according to a press release.

Currently, the Department of Children and Families oversees the Youth Suicide Prevention Council, and the Department of Human Services houses the Elderly Person Suicide Prevention Advisory Council. This legislation houses the new advisory council under the Department of Health.

“The establishment of one, statewide advisory board will streamline the efforts aimed at preventing suicides in the state. Additionally, information will be shared more easily amongst councilmembers. This advisory council will examine existing needs and services for those at risk of suicide and would make recommendations to any suicide prevention entity operating under statutory authority,” said O’Scanlon in the press release.

O’Scanlon’s efforts on the legislation were assisted by former Assemblywoman Mary Pat Angelini, who serves as chief executive officer for Preferred Behavioral Health.

“These efforts will help to strengthen New Jersey’s suicide prevention efforts. Housing all of the resources in one department will allow best practices to be more readily identified and disseminated to suicide prevention entities statewide. I hope this legislation is passed in an expeditious manner so we can help those in need as quickly as possible,” said Angelini in the press release.