Older adults join third-graders in class

PLUMSTED – Third grade pupils at the Dr. Gerald H. Woehr Elementary School were excited to share part of their world with some very special guests on Sept. 29-30.

On those two days, each third-grader had the opportunity to invite a special older person to school, according to a press release from the Plumsted Township School District.

This celebration, which has been a long-standing third grade tradition, is a culminating event to cap off the Grandparent/Special Older Person unit.

The purpose of the unit was not only to help the pupils understand and appreciate the older people in their lives, but to make the youngsters aware that the older adults were once young students just like them, according to the press release.

The children and their guests completed a “quilt piece” that portrayed their likes and differences as the guest shared what life was like for them when they were in third grade.

The children and their guests also read a book together, had light refreshments and explored the classroom. The guests not only enjoyed seeing the students’ work displayed around the room, but many were amazed at how tech savvy the students are, according to the press release.

By using their Chromebook computers, the children shared their work, projects and web-based programs they use daily with their special guest.

While participating in these activities, the guests also had the opportunity to socialize with some of the staff members at the school. They got to meet and speak not only with the third grade teachers, but other staff members who volunteered their time to be surrogate guests, including Principal Walter Therien and School Resource Officer James Tillett.