First LEGO team at the Metuchen Library

The Metuchen Public Library announces a presentation by the Brainy Borough’s First LEGO League Jr. team will be held at 7 p.m. Nov. 2 at the Metuchen Library. First LEGO League Jr. is designed to introduce STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) concepts to kids, ages 6-10, using something they know and love − LEGOs. Guided by adult coaches, teams will explore a real-world scientific problem such as food safety, recycling, and energy.

The Brainy Borough’s team of six children is guided by coaches Prabha Jha and Alpa Bhattacharya. They will demonstrate their work and share ideas on their challenge through their Show-Me poster and LEGO model.

Registration for this showcase event is required. For questions, call the Library’s Children’s Room, at 732-632-8532.