Frojmovich receives resident’s support

Like many others, I have become frustrated and disappointed with the tone of the presidential race, however, there is one candidate I wholeheartedly support – Bernie Frojmovich, who is running for Manalapan Township Committee.

Bernie co-founded the Manalapan Strong group that opposed the Manalapan Crossing development. I remember meeting him when he was collecting signatures at 7:30 a.m. on a Sunday last fall. His group researched issues and raised public awareness on a development that had the potential to seriously jeopardize our quality of life here in Manalapan.

After he and his group helped defeat Manalapan Crossing, he remained involved in township matters. He led the opposition to a crematorium at Old Tennent Cemetery and even provided residents with a 50-page report outlining its health risks. I am grateful for the transparency he will bring to the Township Committee.

He also pushed for Manalapan to opt out of the controversial Monmouth County Assessment Demonstration Program, which is currently under criminal investigation by the Monmouth County Prosecutor’s Office. Our current committee decided to stay in the program in spite of Bernie’s efforts.

One common thread running through all of these endeavors is his willingness to give up his time to do the research and fight to protect Manalapan residents.   This is what local government is all about. I can’t wait to cast my vote for Bernie on Nov. 8. He is a neighbor who will put Manalapan’s residents first for a change.

Donna Bottone