South River students excel in international math competition

SOUTH RIVER – Students of Kevin Conochan’s and Lauren White’s math classes at South River Middle School placed 36 out of 1,000 schools in the first month-long math competition of the new school year.

Sponsored by, the games-based math resource for use in K-10 schools offered 18 original math games and more than 60,000 math questions, full reporting and analytics through Oct. 1.

During the North America Competition Math Games Challenge, the South River students accumulated 882 points based upon successfully solving Common Core math challenges, winning gold, silver and bronze medals in the process.

The South River students placed 36th out of more than 1,000 schools in North America.

Additionally, the school won its first Fai-To, five-round head-to-head challenge against Camelot Rise School of Australia.