Talk on Jewish National Fund slated for Nov. 1

The Metuchen-Edison chapter of Hadassah and the Neve Shalom Israel Awareness Committee are sponsoring the presentation, “Beyond Planting Trees: The Jewish National Fund (JNF) You Probably Don’t Know,” at 7:30 p.m., Nov. 1, at Neve Shalom, 250 Grove Ave., Metuchen.

Attendees will hear Marina Kirshenbaum, a New Jersey-based attorney, Israel advocate and member of JNF’s elite “Makor” Volunteer Corps, who will share the story of the JNF and its role in growing and sustaining Israel through community building, water planning and a host of other projects in addition to its signature tree-planting program.

The event is free and open to all. For more information, contact [email protected].