Performing Arts Ensemble presents holiday show

The Performing Arts Ensemble will present the Big Holiday Show, featuring the Nutcracker and other Holiday Favorites, at the Algonquin Arts Theater in Manasquan at 3 p.m. on Nov. 5.

See a fully staged and costumed production with New York guest artists. Tickets are $23 or $18 for adults, and $20 or $15 for children/seniors. For tickets, call 732-614-5425 or 732-610-4003. Group rates are available.

The Performing Arts Ensemble will present the Big Holiday Show featuring the Nutcracker and other Holiday Favorites at the Middletown Arts Center on Church Street in Middletown (by the train station) at 3 p.m. Nov. 20. Come see this traditional version of this Holiday Spectacular. An optional meet and great with the characters will be held after the show. Tickets are $23 or $18 for adults, and $20 or $15 for children/seniors. For tickets, call 732-614-5426 or 732-610-4003 .

The Performing Arts Ensemble will present the Nutcracker at the Paramount Theatre, 1300 Ocean Ave., Asbury Park, at 2 p.m. Nov 26. See this fully staged and costumed production featuring New York guest artists. For tickets and information, call 732-614-5426 or 732-610-4003. Tickets are $23 or $18 for adults, and $20 or $15 for children/seniors. Stay for the tree lighting after the show.