Rodgers offers strong leadership to South Brunswick school board

I would like to encourage the members of the South Brunswick community to vote for Lisa Rodgers in the upcoming South Brunswick Board of Education (BOE) election on Nov. 8.
Lisa is a true advocate for public education and all parties impacted – students, teachers, administrators, parents and taxpayers.  Lisa has shown her passion for public education through involvement at many different levels.  Lisa has been involved in Parent Teacher Organizations at all levels of our district, which has given her exposure in the schools themselves, to faculty, staff and administrators. She led the charge to fight against the Princeton International Academy Charter School, which protected our district interests on a financial level.
Lisa attends almost every BOE meeting and is an active participant in the meetings. She regularly raises critical issues our community faces, and follows up with board members and the superintendent until they are answered.
Lisa doesn’t limit her involvement in public education to the local level – she has taken the time to testify to the N.J. Senate Education and Assembly Education committees, as well as to the N.J. State BOE.
Finally, Lisa strives to educate members of our community about the issues we face, so as to encourage informed community participation.
Lisa has been a trusted neighbor and friend to our family for 11 years. My husband served on the PTO executive board with Lisa while our children were in elementary school together. Having seen Lisa’s passion for public education firsthand, I feel she will bring a fresh voice and strong leadership to our BOE.
Tina Schlesinger
South Brunswick