Resident supports Rodman and Frojmovich

Despite being a lifelong Republican, I hope Manalapan voters elect Bernie Frojmovich and Kim Rodman. I have voted multiple times for the current Republican Township Committee.

I like most of them personally and they came to the committee when we needed them to restore some normalcy. For that they are to be thanked. But I also recognize they have become the establishment. I worked with Bernie and Kim fighting Manalapan Crossing and I realized some of the members have become a bit too comfortable with their power and can be dismissive (even rude) with those who sit outside the power circle.

Bernie is a gentleman and a scholar. His solid research, composed demeanor and extraordinary leadership was the key to defeating Manalapan Crossing. He has taken a strong lead in opposing the crematorium and, most importantly, has researched and taken a lead role in the affordable housing mandates. To Bernie, facts matter, and he researches them masterfully.

Kim is a conscientious doer. She runs Manalapan Helps. On the bus one day, a woman next to me and pregnant with her third child saw me reading posts on the Manalapan Helps Facebook page. She said, “God bless Kim. Without her, I don’t know how I would survive.” My heart melted. Kim is a woman whose name should be a household word in our town because she actually helps real people.

Together, Kim and Bernie are the heart and mind of our future Township Committee. They are young, energetic and committed to the township for the future of their children. So I will be jumping columns in this election because it is good for Manalapan.

Ken Wolckenhauer