Veterans will tell their stories during November

Monmouth County Freeholder John P. Curley, liaison to the county office on Aging, Disabilities and Veterans Services, has announced a campaign to salute county veterans and their families throughout November.

The Honor Our Veterans campaign will highlight stories, photos and anecdotes surrounding the contributions and sacrifices made by the more than 33,000 veterans who reside in Monmouth County, according to a press release.

The campaign will be promoted through the Monmouth County Facebook page and Twitter, and will also feature a landing page on the county’s website. Instructions for how to send in stories will appear on all three digital communication sites.

The announcement of the campaign was made at Camp Evans in Wall Township. Curley was joined by retired Army Col. Michael Ruane, chairman of InfoAge Science History Museum, county veterans and members of veterans service organizations from the county, according to the press release.

“I cannot think of a better and more fitting way to salute our veterans than to recognize them throughout November,” Curley said. “While I and other members of the freeholder board will take part in as many Veterans Day recognition events as possible, I wanted to extend our gratitude to our veterans and their families for a full month,” he added.

Stories and photos can be submitted by email to [email protected]. To read about county veterans during November, follow Monmouth County on Facebook and Twitter at MonmouthGovNJ.