Jun Zhang

Recipes for long-lasting kitchen appeal

By Marilyn Kennedy Melia
CTW Features

In 2016, “I have seen more people who just bought a home and want to remodel their kitchen than I’ve seen in the last ten years,” says Alana Busse Thousand Oaks, California, a certified kitchen designer.
The cautious and conservative mood in the aftermath of the recession is receding, which also impacts kitchen design itself, says MaryJo Camp, Denver, North Carolina, a certified kitchen designer.
Indeed, according to a recent Zillow Digs report, trends include a “tuxedo” look, whereby the top and bottom cabinets are painted different, but complimentary colors, and a mixed of hardware instead of all one metal.

Still, many recent buyers “say they will probably move again in five to eight years,” Busse relates.
If a remodel today reflects current trends, will it still have appeal to a future buyer? While specific elements do fade from popularity – even granite, which reigned supreme for years, is now giving way to quartz – certain design principles help a remodel hold appeal for future buyers, Busse and Camp contend. Among them:

1. Reflect the overall style of the home
“When someone loves a traditional home, they don’t want a contemporary kitchen,” Busse says. Reflecting the exterior and interior style prompts “people to say ‘what a lovely kitchen’ and not, ‘oh, they did a remodel,’” she says.

2. Say good riddance to clutter
Hidden appliances, such as microwaves tucked into a drawers, is a trend identified by the Digs report. While camouflage is popular, counters that are relatively clear and space that’s well-utilized but not cramped, will always be integral to a kitchen’s appeal, Camp says.

3. Make quirky touches portable
Owners can indulge their own taste, but “reflect your personality in elements you can change out,” Busse says. A crystal chandelier, for instance, or colorful, hand-painted knobs, can be enjoyed now, toted away later.
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