Coward reports sign to Jackson community association

I live in a 55-and-over community in Jackson and I would like to share a disturbing situation I find myself in with the hopes of alerting other residents who may encounter similar harassment.

I am a Donald Trump supporter. Once I legally displayed Donald Trump lawn signs on my property my house suddenly came under special scrutiny for “violations.”

Having had experience with other community associations (serving as a board member in Florida) I have seen firsthand how this selective rule enforcement and abuse of power takes place.

Usually, one resident with a hidden agenda reports an alleged violation to the association. Of course, we never know who that person is because cowards prefer to hide in the shadows and have others do his/her dirty work. This behavior is not in the true spirit of why you have rules and regulations in communities such as mine.

Rules and regulations should never be used to carry out a personal vendetta because someone does not like your politics. What’s next for this coward? Maybe the color of your skin, religion, ethnicity? Am I going to be targeted at Christmas if I choose to celebrate my holiday by displaying a religious symbol on my lawn?

Let us all speak out against bigotry and injustice and come together in harmony in the greatest country in the world.

Joe Pancila