Tri-Town On Campus

Connor Murnane, the son of Brian and Tracey Murnane of Jackson, is a member of the Student Senate at Ashland University, Ashland, Ohio. Brian is majoring in history. He is a 2013 graduate of Jackson Memorial High School. Student Senate strives to serve as a medium for expressing student opinion and works to promote the campus community.

In recognition of Domestic Violence Awareness Month, the Misericordia University, Dallas Township, Pennsylvania, peer educators student organization Promoting Healthy Relationships Through Education and Empowerment hosted an “Empty Place at the Table” exhibit in partnership with Luzerne County Domestic Violence Service Center. “Empty Place at the Table” is a traveling memorial to victims from Luzerne County whose lives were lost due to domestic violence. The Misericordia peer educators, including Taylor Daton of Jackson, hosted an information table in collaboration with the exhibit to provide information about support services that are available on campus and in the local community.

The following residents of Jackson received degrees from Boston University, Boston, Massachusetts, in September: Seraphim E. Osiakwan received a Bachelor of Arts in international relations; and Amber N. Thiel received a Bachelor of Arts in biochemistry and molecular biology, and a Master of Arts in biotechnology.