Independent candidate endorsed for Edison BOE

With the heat of the U.S. presidential election, we all talk about politics a lot. However, this election is special to me this year for another reason. My friend, Shannon Peng, is running for the Edison Board of Education.

When I first heard of her decision, I paused for a few seconds as I know how tight her schedule is being a working mother with two young children. I then quickly realized this is Shannon … exactly the same Shannon I’ve known for years. Her passion to serve inspired me a lot when seeing her run for Autism Speaks, Outrace Hunger and other local school events.

She is an expert in technology and project management with nearly 20 years’ professional experience. There is certainly a lot she can offer. Most importantly, I know she will be the person to truly work to resolve issues. This is not only because of her education and professional background, but more importantly her personality and motives.

As an independent candidate, she has no bias or conflict of interests. She will ensure that she only works for the benefit of Edison residents and children. She is the only candidate with children currently in Edison public schools, so she lives with the issues and challenges our schools face every day. She is committed to solving problems, spearheading new and inventive initiatives and maintaining open communication between schools and parents.

Please vote for Shannon Peng for the Edison Board of Education on Nov. 8.

Leilei Nugent