BOE official should offer apology, admit mistakes

Guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty. Dennis Pavlik, a police sergeant and Holmdel School Board vice president, was found guilty on all six charges of ethics violations by New Jersey Judge Jeff Masin in June 2016.

The New Jersey Ethics Commission and Commissioner of Education confirmed Judge Masin’s finding that Pavlik accused district employees of criminal fraud or complicity without making any attempt to ascertain true facts:

It’s shocking that despite these rulings and Pavlik’s public censure during last Wednesday’s school board meeting that he insisted that he did nothing wrong and would willfully ignore the findings of his guilt (listen to 1:00:50 of Holmdel’s BOE meeting audio at:

Pavlik is guilty of wasting precious public resources and taxpayer dollars. He wasted school board time and money, claiming over $90,000 in expenses that he expects the school board or its insurer to cover.

Pavlik wasted the Monmouth County Prosecutor’s time and money, having brought, according to Judge Masin, unsupported and rash charges (p. 19 of June 3, 2016 Masin decision). Pavlik wasted the Ethics Commission and Commissioner of Education’s time and money as they confirmed all of Judge Masin’s findings.

Holmdel, Monmouth County and New Jersey taxpayers have paid the cost for Pavlik’s unwarranted actions, and Pavlik would have us pay again.

Pavlik must admit his mistakes and publicly apologize.

Don Kovalevich