Two River Theater announces auditions for ‘A Little Shakespeare’

RED BANK — Two River Theater, under the leadership of Artistic Director John Dias and Managing Director Michael Hurst, has announced an opportunity for student actors, stage managers, designers and run crew in grades 9-12 to be involved in the theater’s upcoming performances of “A Little Shakespeare: The Merry Wives of Windsor,” slated for March 7-12.

“A Little Shakespeare” is part of Shakespeare in American Communities, a program of the National Endowment of the Arts in partnership with Arts Midwest, which introduces the works of Shakespeare to young people each season. Through this program, Two River Theater produces a 75-minute abridged version of a Shakespearean play performed by as many as 20 high school students, directed and designed by theater professionals.

This season, the “Little Shakespeare” production will be a large-cast adaptation of “The Merry Wives of Windsor,” adapted and directed by Nicole A. Watson, which will complement the three-person “Merry Wives” being produced in the Marion Huber Theater under the direction of Eric Tucker.

“A Little Shakespeare” includes a series of eight performances, including four student matinees, which are geared toward young people ages 9 and up. Each student matinee includes a one-hour, in-school pre-show workshop conducted by a professional Two River Theater teaching artist, as well as a talk after the show with the student actors.

Student actors are cast through auditions, which are followed by three months of rehearsals, including script analysis, blocking and character development. Student actors should prepare a memorized Shakespeare monologue, two minutes or less, either in prose or verse.

Auditions will be held at Two River Theater on Nov. 16 and 18 by appointment only. To schedule an audition appointment, contact Amanda Espinoza, education assistant, at [email protected] or call 732-936-8804 and include your full name, school and phone number.

Students interested in opportunities to work as an assistant stage manager, assistant director, assistant designer or on the production’s run crew, should email Kate Cordaro, director of education, at [email protected] with information about themselves and their background.

For more information, visit /education/edu2.php.