Former mayor supports Musich and Uniglicht

In this year’s election in Manalapan there is one clear choice and that is to re-elect Mayor Mary Ann Musich and her running mate Kevin Uniglicht.

On a personal level, as a former elected official, I have seen firsthand the many personal sacrifices Mrs. Musich has made in order to serve every resident equitably regardless of political affiliation. She is attentive to residents’ concerns, is objective and is constantly looking for ways to continue to make Manalapan a great place to live by implementing new programs.

Mary Ann has been a long-time resident of Manalapan and served in leadership positions on many township and civic organizations. She was a member of the Western Monmouth Utilities Authority, chairwoman of the Manalapan Zoning Board of Adjustment, a member of the Manalapan Day committee and is a member of the Walk With Joe Executive Committee.

Kevin Uniglicht, her running mate, is playing a vital and necessary role in determining the future of Manalapan by serving on the Planning Board. He brings a challenging fresh approach and energy to Manalapan government.

Mayor Musich and Kevin Uniglicht reflect the good values that we seek in our elected officials. I urge everyone to vote for them on Election Day.

James S. Gray
Former Mayor