Marlboro violinist will compete in Boston

MARLBORO – Tienne Yu of Marlboro will travel to Boston in January to compete as a division finalist in the Music Teachers National Association (MTNA) Performance Junior String Competition.

Tienne earned the opportunity after winning the MTNA New Jersey state competition, according to a press release. Tienne is a seventh grade pupil at the Marlboro Middle School. She has been studying the violin for seven years and  is currently a student of Gary Kosloski.

Tienne has played piano since the age of 4. As a pianist, she has performed at venues including Carnegie Hall and Lincoln Center. She has played with the Bravura Youth Orchestra as a violin soloist after winning its concerto competition, according to the press release.

The MTNA Performance Junior String Competition will take place on Jan. 7 during the MTNA Eastern Conference. The winner will compete in the national finals during the MTNA National Conference in Baltimore in March.

The three-tiered MTNA competition begins at the state level. Winners of each state competition advance to the division competition. Division winners then proceed to the national competition finals.

The Music Teachers National Association is a nonprofit organization comprised of 22,000 independent and collegiate music teachers committed to advancing the value of music study and music making to society and to supporting the professionalism of music teachers, according to the press release.

The MTNA was founded in 1876 and is the oldest professional music association in the United States.