Kane, Sims win re-election in Freehold Borough

By Matthew Sockol
Staff Writer

FREEHOLD – Incumbent Democrats Kevin Kane and Jaye Sims have won new three-year terms on the Borough Council in Freehold Borough.

The long-time council members ran unopposed in the Nov. 8 election. Kane received 2,412 votes and Sims received 2,370 votes, according to results posted online by the Monmouth County Clerk’s Office.

The results are unofficial until they are certified by the county.

Democrats hold all six council seats and the mayor’s office and with the victories by Kane and Sims that will continue in 2017.

Sims said he dedicated his victory to his brother, Reggie, who is recovering from a double lung transplant.

“I would like to thank the voters of Freehold Borough for returning me to office,” Sims said. “As I mentioned at our gathering on election night, I have dedicated this election victory to my brother, Reggie. I am looking forward to getting back to work for the residents of this town.”

In the race for president, Democrat Hillary Clinton outpolled Republican Donald Trump in Freehold Borough 1,958 to 1,501.