South Brunswick officers save life of man who collapsed

SOUTH BRUNSWICK — Two South Brunswick officers are being credited with saving the life of a 58-year-old man who had collapsed at work.

“Officer Salvatore Fama and Officer Brian Luck acted quickly using their training and a department defibrillator to save this man’s life. Their actions along with a co-worker knowing CPR made the difference,” Police Chief Raymond Hayducka said.

The 911 call came in of a man having difficulty breathing at PSS Warehousing office on Nicholas Court. Fama arrived to find co-workers of the man flagging him down, according to a statement released by the South Brunswick Police Department.

The co-workers directed him to an office where he observed the victim, Jim Mauro of Warren, on the floor. A co-worker was giving Mauro chest compressions. Fama applied a defibrillator and provided one shock. Luck soon arrived and the two officers continued CPR. After a few minutes the defibrillator advised for a second shock. The officers delivered the second shock and Mauro began to gasp for air, according to the statement.

South Brunswick EMS and paramedics transported Mauro to the hospital.

Mauro remained in critical condition for 10 days after he collapsed on Oct. 28. His condition has been upgraded to stable, but he continues to be treated at Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital in New Brunswick, police said.

“When we got there he had no pulse. Our training just kicked in and we were able to bring him back. It is a great feeling to save a life. To see Mr. Mauro sitting up in bed and being able to shake his hand is unbelievable,” Fama said upon meeting with Mauro in the hospital last weekend.

Hayducka added, “I could not be prouder of these officers or the work they did.”