Success of town is based on quality education

One of the biggest decisions we make for our kids is where to raise them. Which community will partner with our family to impress a lasting effect upon them? We chose North Brunswick over 10 years ago and haven’t looked back since.

However, we now need to look forward. Our schools are over capacity and the district has had no choice but to lease space in another community and lease trailers. This is unacceptable and actually triples the cost of educating our children and lowers the draw to our community. This hurts everyone.

The success of our town and our home values is dependent on the quality of the education we can offer to our children. Our kids’ and our town’s future is in our hands. A small investment in our school system now will be more than offset by the future increase in our town’s value as a whole.

We are fortunate enough to live in a town where neighbors become friends and friends become family. Our town has such as strong sense of community and this community is depending on you to come out and vote yes on Dec. 13. Vote yes for our kids, our schools, our community and our homes.

Nihal Kamel
North Brunswick