2 incumbents, 1 write-in win seats on Freehold Borough school board

By Matthew Sockol
Staff Writer

FREEHOLD – Annette Jordan, Paul Ceppi and Tyler Jordan have won three-year terms on the Freehold Borough K-8 School District Board of Education.

Annette Jordan and Ceppi are current members of the board; Tyler Jordan is a newcomer who will join the panel in January.

Annette Jordan and Ceppi were the only candidates to appear on the Nov. 8 ballot and ran unopposed for the three-year terms. Jordan received 1,882 votes and Ceppi received 1,660 votes, according to results posted by the Monmouth County Clerk’s Office.

“I am looking forward to moving the district forward and to continuing to build on the positive things that are happening in the district,” Jordan said.

Tyler Jordan, who is Annette Jordan’s son, did not file a nominating petition to run for one of the three seats that were available in the election, but he campaigned for a seat as a write-in candidate. He is a lifelong resident of the borough and works as a mobile forms consultant at doForms, Cranford.

“I chose to pursue a spot on the board because I want to contribute,” Jordan said. “I do not have children who attend the school district. I did not run because I was upset about how things have been run. I did not pursue this position due to a reaction of some sort. I just want to give back to a school district and a town that has given me so much already. My growth as a man and a participating citizen was birthed here in Freehold and a small way to give back is to serve on the board.”

After county officials reviewed every ballot, Jordan was declared the winner of the third seat with 47 write-in votes. Ronald Reich received 34 write-in votes and Joseph Santonacita received seven write-in votes.

“I would just like to say how honored and excited I am to serve my community in any capacity and to do so to the best of my ability,” Jordan said. “I want future and current students in Freehold Borough to have the same experiences I had when I attended the school district. I truly believe my time there has given me a desire to serve the public and I am delighted to be given that opportunity.”