Charity basketball games scheduled at high school

The fifth annual Friends of South Amboy Charity Basketball Games will be held Dec. 17 at South Amboy High School, 200 Gov. Harold G. Hoffman Plaza, John T. O’Leary Boulevard.

Proceeds from the games will benefit Breanna Hathcock, a local resident and South Amboy Middle/High School graduate who is battling cancer.

The event schedule is as follows:

• 2 p.m. – South Amboy Middle School Boys vs. Calvary Christian;

• 4 p.m. – South Amboy Girls Varsity vs. Calvary Christian;

• 6 p.m. – Sayreville Boys Varsity vs. Bishop Ahr;

• 8 p.m. – South Amboy Boys Varsity vs. Calvary Christian.

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