Fire official responds to solicitation letter

On behalf of your elected Millstone Township fire commissioners, I am writing in response to a number of inquiries received regarding a recent “annual fundraising drive” letter that was sent out by the Millstone Township Uniformed Firefighters

That letter was sent out by the firefighters’ union without the prior knowledge of the Board of Fire Commissioners. While the fire commissioners acknowledge that the firefighters’ union has the legal right to solicit donations, the commissioners feel compelled to clarify a number of issues that are apparently causing some confusion for residents.

First and foremost, the financial condition of your fire department is sound.
The commissioners take great pride in the prudent utilization of taxpayer
dollars, and will continue to do so, in order to provide firefighting and
emergency response service 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Please note that the donations being solicited by the union do not fund
firefighting, fire prevention education or any other emergency response
services provided by your fire department.

The requested donations are solely for funding union activities. Please note the fine print in the solicitation letter that states the union is not a tax-exempt charitable organization and “your donations are not tax deductible.”

Please be assured your fire department is prepared each and every day to respond to any type of call for emergency service. All of the members of the fire department are proud to serve the residents of Millstone Township and do so with the confidence of proper training and equipment provided by your tax dollars.

On behalf of my fellow fire commissioners, we wish you and your families
the blessings of a safe and happy holiday season.

David Markunas
Board of Fire Commissioners
Fire District No. 1
Millstone Township