The Barron Arts Center has announced its upcoming dates for PoetsWednesday. All readings of featured poets begin at 8 p.m. These readings are free, and everyone is welcome to attend. Refreshments will be served and are generously furnished courtesy of Wegmans Food Market in Woodbridge.
In addition, PoetsWednesday will offer poetry workshops 7-8 p.m., followed by the scheduled PoetsWednesday readings. A nominal fee will be charged for the workshop. All forms of poetry and all levels of skill are welcome.
The schedule is:
Jan. 12: Joan Cusack Handler. Psychologist, publisher, poet Joan Cusack Handler embodies a commitment to disseminating the arts. Handler’s deepest passion is bringing literature, specifically poetry, to people and people to poetry. Co-founder and director of “Presenting Poetry & Prose,” a literary reading series formerly hosted by the John Harms Center for the Arts in Englewood, and recently revived by CavanKerry Press, she has extensive experience reading and teaching creative writing workshops. A member of the resident faculty of the Robert Frost Place Poetry Festival in Franconia, N.H., she is also co-chair of the Frost Place Advisory Board and a former member of the board of governors of the Poetry Society of America. She is founder, publisher and editor-inchief of CavanKerry Press, a not-for-profit literary press that serves both art and community.
Feb. 10: Adele Kenny. Kenny is the author of 23 books (poetry and nonfiction). She served as associate editor of The Antiquer: Fine Art & Antiques from 2000 to 2005 and is currently poetry editor of “Tiferet: A Journal of Spiritual Literature.” She is the recipient of various honors and awards, including poetry fellowships from the New Jersey State Council on the Arts. Kenny directs the Carriage House Poetry Reading Series, which she founded in 1998, and has been director of the Fanwood Arts Council since 1999. She has been a featured poet at the Geraldine R. Dodge Poetry Festival and is active as a featured reader in a wide range of venues. She has worked as a Grants Review Panelist for the New Jersey State Council on the Arts and the Union County Division of Cultural and Heritage Affairs, and has also been a presenter, poetry workshop leader, and artist in residence for numerous agencies and organizations, including state and county Teen Arts Festivals, the N.J. State Department of Education, Symposium for the Arts, and Very Special Arts Festivals (serving the handicapped).
For more information, call 732-634- 0413.