Resident troubled by rushing of Cross Farms turf project

I first learned about the proposed turf when I received two mailers within days of each other: one glossy mailer from Holmdel Township promoting the project and a flyer from Preserve Holmdel explaining their position and actions taken. Upon recently joining Preserve Holmdel, I have learned that the design and engineering of this project is complete and ready to roll as Holmdel residents are just starting to weigh in.

I’m troubled by the rushed and questionable decision making the Township Committee has demonstrated: not justifying the need for such a facility; applying for a bond earmarked for open space; not revealing itemized expenses to install and maintain the facility through at least one life cycle of the turf; projected revenue streams from private clubs who will use the turf to offset tax revenue; additional costs of infrastructure maintenance and possible improvements to keep up with increased traffic; a comprehensive study of current flooding problems at Cross Farm; and will the added turf complicate drainage?

What is the quality-of-life cost to this quiet, beautiful section of town when a “sports complex” is added?

Finally, any professional athlete will tell you that natural turf is best and reduces injuries; the trend is moving away from artificial turf for multiple reasons. If improvements to Cross Farms are needed, Hazlet’s recent Project Evergreen Healthy Turf Healthy Kids could be considered as a case study. Holmdel residents now have the opportunity to thoughtfully consider this project thanks to Preserve Holmdel (

Liz Livingstone