Clean up candy from streets to keep dogs safe

We are fortunate that our dedicated firefighters take time out of their schedules to bring Santa to our neighborhoods on their fire trucks, throwing candy to our children. However, once Santa leaves, there is candy all over the streets. This candy can include chocolate, which is deadly to the dogs that are walked in the neighborhoods. It is difficult to impossible to keep it from the dogs, especially since many dogs are walked in the dark during this time of year.

I’ve contacted our fire marshals to request that chocolate not be thrown out of the fire trucks. However, it is also the responsibility of homeowners to clean up any stray candy that is in front of their homes. Please, for the sake of our canine friends, clean up any candy, especially chocolate, that is not scooped up by the neighborhood children (and adults). It can really be a matter of life or death, and none of us want to contribute to a family tragedy, especially during this joyful time of year.

Annette Lang

East Brunswick