Police promotions under fire in town

BY DAN NEWMAN Staff Writer

EDISON — Not even 24 hours after the general election was decided, numerous promotions were given to members of the Edison Police Department, raising the ire of a top Policemen’s Benevolent Association official who said the moves had to do with political payback.

Keith Hahn, state delegate for Edison PBA Local 75, said the promotions could lead to lawsuits by those who were passed over in the process.

“I’m so fed up. It’s appalling,” Hahn said. “The taxpayers in this town are crying for some sort of relief, and instead, promotions are being handed out.”

Seven members of the department — a second deputy chief, three captains and three lieutenants — were promoted. Hahn said that these moves were in retribution for Mayor Jun Choi not being re-elected mayor. Choi lost to Mayor-elect Antonia Ricigliano in June’s Democratic primary.

“These promotions were political payback. The fix was in,” Hahn said.

Calls to Choi seeking comment on the matter were referred to township Police Director Brian Collier, who said the moves had nothing to do with politics, and that they were based on merit.

“I made the promotions all by myself because there are a vast amount of very capable officers. I put the money aside a while ago to do this,” Collier explained. “The officers that were promoted are among the most capable and productive. These promotions were made under my authority.”

Collier also mentioned that he hired two new officers and that he may hire two more new ones by year’s end.

A similar wave of promotions happened four years ago when George Spadoro promoted a dozen officers on his way out of office.

“I feel like that move was different when it happened,” Hahn said. “Yes, it definitely had to do with politics, but the officers had a contract back then. Currently, we’ve gone 12 months without a contract, plus our economy is in very rough shape right now and we’re down 25 officers from where we were four years ago. It’s just not right.”

Hahn did mention that one of the promoted officers was Dominick Masi, sonin law of Republican mayoral candidate Dennis Pipala, who was defeated by Ricigliano in last week’s general election.

“The union can think whatever they want, but none of this has to do with politics,” Collier said. “I wouldn’t know Dennis Pipala if I fell over him. I made these promotions in the name of integrity.”