Caring weekend at Temple Shalom of Aberdeen

Temple Shalom, 5 Ayrmont Lane, Aberdeen, will present a Caring Weekend on Jan. 6 and Jan. 8. The theme for the Caring Weekend is an exploration of how pets and service animals provide therapeutic and healing effects to those suffering from trauma or illness, as well as just dealing with the stress of everyday life. Weekend events are open to the community.

At Friday evening services, Rosemary Laubach of Freehold, a therapy dog specialist, will give a presentation explaining the Therapy Dog Program. She will be accompanied by her dog, Hope. Services begin at 6:30 p.m. Rosemary will be staying for the dinner that immediately follows services so that families can speak with her. For those interested in attending the dinner, the cost for dinner is $14 for an adult and $8 for a child. To RSVP for dinner, contact the Temple office, at 732-566-2621.

On Sunday morning at 9:30 a.m. the Committee will present a program on Special People United to Ride (SPUR), a non-profit organization which is dedicated to providing therapeutic horsemanship programs to individuals with disabilities. A horse has a calming effect on riders and has a unique ability to sense what its rider or handler is feeling. SPUR is affiliated with the Monmouth County Park System, and is located at Sunnyside Equestrian Center in Lincroft.

Barbara Duggan will be the featured speaker. Barbara is a member of the SPUR Board of Directors and past Co-President.

A light breakfast will be served. There is a $5 charge to attend. Please bring an item to donate to the local animal shelter. A list of recommended items is at support/wish-list/.

For more information, contact Sam Shapanka at 908-601-0484 or at [email protected].