Indie Street Film Festival is now accepting submissions

The second annual Indie Street Film Festival, set for July 26-30, 2017 in Red Bank, is now accepting film submissions through Withoutabox and FilmFreeway.

Festival passes are now on sale. Taking place at multiple theatrical venues in Red Bank, the event will be anchored by its presenting sponsor, the historic Count Basie Theatre.

The Indie Street Film Festival (ISFF), the world’s first co-op distribution brand—a VOD platform that unites the most talented self-distributing filmmakers to share audiences, resources, and company profits—is already home to award-winning members who hold honors from Sundance, SXSW, and Tribeca film festivals. ISFF aims to discover the most innovative and resourceful storytellers, while also presenting special screenings that celebrate the best in Independent Cinema, past, present and future.

Since ISFF is more geared toward cooperation than competition, all feature films accepted into the festival will be awarded the opportunity to join Indie Street as a partner filmmaker and be promoted through its VOD platform. Winners from each feature film category will enjoy a minimum 1-week theatrical release in New York City. Short film winners from each category will be considered for co­-op inclusion and will be presented and promoted through the Indie Street platform.

Programmers are looking for Narrative Features, Documentaries and Short Films (narrative, documentary and animation) that highlight innovative storytelling and quality production value, in spite of restrictive budgets. There is also a sidebar of “Jersey Films” either shot in New Jersey or made by filmmakers from the Garden State. Films must have been completed no earlier than Jan. 1, 2016.

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