Jackson council awards liquor license

By Michael Benavides
Staff Writer

JACKSON – The Township Council has awarded two residents of Toms River a plenary retail alcoholic beverage distribution license in Jackson.

On Dec. 27, council members Robert Nixon, Kenneth Bressi, Barry Calogero and Anne Updegrave passed a resolution to sell the license to Avani Patel and Sunil Patel of Toms River.

Councilman Scott Martin was absent from the meeting.

With a plenary retail distribution license, the licensee (i.e., a liquor store) can only sell alcoholic beverages for consumption off the licensed premises.

According to the resolution, bids for the license were received on Dec. 7. The minimum bid established by municipal officials was $350,000. The resolution states that the Patels offered the highest bid – $385,000.

The resolution states that the council “believes it is in the best interest of Jackson to sell to the highest qualified bidder one plenary retail alcoholic beverage distribution license in accordance with the township’s specifications in order to better serve the public and to increase revenues available to the township.”

The bid award will be subject to the completion of all requirements set forth in the township’s bid specifications and pursuant to all Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control regulations for the state, according to the resolution.

Jackson officials are also planning to sell two plenary retail consumption licenses. In September, council members passed a resolution authorizing the public sale of two new plenary retail consumption licenses.

The minimum bid for a plenary retail consumption license is $400,000, according to a previous Tri-Town News article.

A plenary retail consumption license may be held by a bar, restaurant, club or lounge. The licensee can sell alcoholic beverages for on premises and off premises consumption.