Sayreville residents, businesses supported Care and Share Food Bank

The Sayreville Care and Share Food Bank would like to thank the many organizations who donated to us during this holiday season.

We help over 70 families who are in need of assistance who live in town. Their Thanksgivings and Christmases were a little happier because of the efforts of friends and organizations who worked hard to help us.

This list is long and includes Sayreville Public Schools, Ladies Auxiliary Post 211 of the American Legion, Amboy Bank, Trinity United Methodist Church, the United Church Women of Trinity, the Rotary Club of Old Bridge/Sayreville, Cub Scout Pack 97, Sayreville United Methodist Church, the Sayreville Recreation Department, Project Before, Boy Scout Troop 97, SADD, FBLA, Student Council, the Leo Club from Sayreville War Memorial High School, Camelot of LaMer, High Roads School and several private donors.

We couldn’t do it without you!

Carole Conroy, Cathy Golinski, Debbie Cheeseman,
Diane Derenowski, Gerilyn Zito, Lynn Paul,
Terry Kennovin and Sue Paul
Sayreville Care and Share Food Bank