A physical therapy New Year’s resolution

By:  Jerry Moczerniuk PT, DPT

It is that time of the year again when most people come up with, and some even implement at least one New Year’s resolution. Wouldn’t it be great to have less pain and be able to do more in our daily lives?
In my practice, I frequently see patients whose injuries may have been preventable, or at least mitigated to some extent with proper stretching, exercise regimen, environmental modifications, body mechanics and postural correction. Prevention of injuries does not only enhance the quality of life of individuals, but it also saves healthcare dollars.

Overuse injuries, postural injuries, work related ergonomics injuries, injuries from falls, and to some extent sports injuries may all be preventable with proper techniques and guidance. There exists a strong body of evidence supporting preventative interventions in many situations.

In many instances pain, including low back pain, neck pain, headaches, and leg and arm pains are musculoskeletal in origin. When addressed early enough, those pains may be reduced or completely eliminated with proper interventions. Sometimes it may be as simple as making some minor postural or ergonomic modifications, other times it may involve a bout of physical therapy to address the impairments and dysfunctions.

Over the years the scope of Physical Therapy has expanded immensely. Previously physical therapy has been synonymous with rehabilitation. When you hear the term rehabilitation, you likely think of recovery post injury, surgery, or disease process.  physical therapists however are now recognized as not only rehabilitation specialists, but also prevention, wellness, and fitness specialists.  This is supported by the APTA (governing body of Physical Therapy).

The APTA recognizes that “Physical therapists can teach patients how to prevent or manage their condition so that they will achieve long-term health benefits. In addition, PTs work with individuals to prevent the loss of mobility before it occurs by developing fitness- and wellness-oriented programs for healthier and more active lifestyles”.

The scope of a physical therapist practice allows us to see patients without a referral from a physician. Physical therapists examine patients thoroughly, and are able to accurately recognize and address impairments that help with injury prevention. In most instances such services are a part of your physical therapy health insurance benefits, and are therefore covered through most insurance plans.

A New Year’s resolution to improve physical health and function may go a long way in improving quality of life for most individuals. This New Year, consider consulting a physical therapist regarding any pains, troubles with routine daily activities, and even sport specific concerns/troubles.

Dr. Moczerniuk is a Doctor of Physical Therapy, member of American Physical Therapy Association, and a Clinical Director at db Orthopedic Physical Therapy of Manalapan LLC, located at 120 Craig Rd. Suite 2. Dr. Moczerniuk can be reached at 732-462-2162 or via e-mail at [email protected]. You can also find out more about our practice at dborthopt.com