Discussion series in Lincroft explores wide range of topics

The Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Monmouth County (UUCMC) will serve s the host to the Sunday Morning Dialog series at 9 a.m. each Sunday in its Community Room at 1475 W. Front St., Lincroft.

The series is just one of several programs the congregation offers as an opportunity to encourage deep exploration of new and timely topics.

On Jan. 15, “My Impressions of Visiting Prisoners through Prisoners Visitation Support” will be presented by Rena Amada, who will share some of her volunteer experiences in the prisoner visitation program. Volunteers provide federal and military prisoners in the U.S. with regular, face-to-face contact from the world outside of prison to help them cope with prison life and prepare for a successful re-entry into society.

On Jan. 22, “Changing the World One Playground at a Time” will be presented by Bob Lavin, vice president of Where Angels Play Foundation. He will tell the story of his brother, Bill Lavin, turning tragedy into something beautiful.

On Jan. 29, “Women Rangers, Gay Marines and Transgender Soldiers: What It Means in the Age of Trump” will be presented by Sue Fulton. She will discuss how diversity in the U.S. Armed Forces has a strong impact on American culture. She will also speak about the changes the Obama administration made regarding LGBT service personnel and women that strengthened the force and paved the way for changes in the civilian world as well. As someone directly involved in these changes, Fulton will speak briefly on how they came about and why they matter. She will also speak about the presidential transition.

Speakers are sought as well. If interested, contact UUCMC at 732-747-0707 or visit uucmc.org.