Colts Neck committee selects Macnow as mayor

By Peter Elacqua
Staff Writer

COLTS NECK – Township Committeeman Russell Macnow will serve as Colts Neck’s mayor during 2017 after he was elected to that position by his fellow members of the Township Committee during the Jan. 7 reorganization meeting of the governing body.

Macnow was sworn in as mayor by state Sen. Jennifer Beck (R-Monmouth).

“I look forward to serving the residents as mayor in 2017,” Macnow said. “The committee faces a number of challenges this year, including affordable housing litigation and addressing the security issues engendered by the Navy’s plan to allow civilian housing on Naval Weapons Station Earle.

“We look forward to using grant funds to assist us with the paving of Five Points Road and the municipal complex walking trail. We welcome our new Department of Public Works director, Lou Bader, and we look forward to welcoming new police officers,” Macnow said.

Committeeman J.P. Bartolomeo was elected to serve as deputy mayor.

Macnow and Bartolomeo are joined on the committee by Edward Eastman and Thomas Orgo. There is a vacant seat following the resignation of Michael Fitzgerald, who recently accepted the position of Monmouth County counsel.

Because Fitzgerald is a Republican, as are all the members of the governing body, the local Republican Party will have 15 days to submit three names to the Township Committee members for consideration as Fitzgerald’s successor. The committee members will then have 15 days to make an appointment to fill the open seat.

In appointments announced during the reorganization meeting, the committee appointed John O. Bennett, of Gluck Walrath, as township attorney; Meghan Bennett Clark, of Gluck Walrath, as township prosecutor; Christopher Adams and Kevin Wigenton as public defenders; and Glenn Gerken, of T&M Associates, as township engineer.

Bartolomeo and Orgo will serve on the Planning Board as representatives of the governing body. Colts Neck Police Lt. Frank Leccese was appointed to a one-year term on the board. Brook Crossan and Robert Lutkewitte were appointed to four-year terms, David Kostka was appointed to a three-year term and Andrea D’Eletto was appointed to a two-year term as an alternate.

Edward Sobieski and Albert Yodakis were appointed to four-year terms on the Zoning Board of Adjustment. Thomas Sullivan was appointed to a two-year term as an alternate.

Macnow will be the liaison to the Long-Range Planning Committee, Affordable Housing, Litigation Steering Committee, NWS Earle, Local/Regional Schools, Economic Development Committee, County/State governments, Local Emergency Planning Committee, Police Department, Personnel Committee and Wildlife Committee.

In addition to his service on the Planning Board, Bartolomeo will be the liaison to the First Aid Squad, Senior Citizens, the Grande Association, the Historical Preservation Committee, Local/Regional schools, the Colts Neck Sports Foundation, the Finance Committee and the Colts Neck Fair.

Eastman will be the liaison to the Board of Health, Environmental Commission, Affordable Housing, Litigation Steering Committee, Drug/Alcohol Alliance, Recreation Committee and County/State governments.

In addition to his service on the Planning Board, Orgo will be the liaison to the Long-Range Planning Committee, the Fire Department, the Colts Neck Business Association, the Farmland/Open Space Committee, Public Works/Buildings and Grounds, the Wildlife Committee, the Personnel Committee and Recycling.

The person who is appointed to the seat previously held by Fitzgerald will be the liaison to the Shade Tree Commission, Architectural Review Committee, the Colts Neck Friends of the Library, the Colts Neck website, the Finance Committee and Student Government Day.