Temple Shaari Emeth Early Learning Center

Friendships begin at the Temple Shaari Emeth Early Learning Center and last a lifetime. Shaari Emeth’s Parent & Me program for children ages 6 months – Pre-school offers interactive experiences for children and their parents or other caretakers.

New and supportive friendships are encouraged while you and your child learn songs, play instruments and participate in fun activities. Your child will be introduced to his or her Jewish heritage through songs and stories. This is a wonderful opportunity for you and your baby to strengthen your bond while our teachers create a calm and soothing experience.

As your child grows, Shaari Emeth’s programs adapt to his or her changing developmental needs. Transition classes are offered with a supportive environment that allows for easy separation, making preschool an easy next step. Music, free play, bubble fun and puppetry are favorites, and a giant, colorful parachute evokes squeals of delight!

In Shaari Emeth’s Pre-school and full-day kindergarten, a warm and nurturing atmosphere is provided, and the hands-on director, Jayne Lieberman, makes sure your child or grandchild gets plenty of personal attention. Jayne’s staff is fully licensed and dedicated to the success of every child.

As students grow, Shaari Emeth’s curriculum adapts to meet developmental markers and guidelines. Each age level has a specific age-appropriate curriculum infused with academics, arts, discovery time, and spirituality. Programming exceeds the requirements of the state and surrounding school districts, and students are fully prepared for public school when they graduate. Students also experience the joy of sharing Shabbat with Shaari Emeth’s beloved Rabbi Panken and Cantor Siet. Trips, special events, holidays and celebrations round out your child’s experience.

Days and hours are flexible, and the needs of parents are also met by optional early drop-off and late pick-up hours. Pizza, bagel and chicken tenders lunches are offered and the Friday challah program is always a favorite. Shaari Emeth’s sparkling indoor gym and large, enclosed outdoor playground offer students the opportunity for exercise and major motor skill development while the well-equipped classrooms have a wide variety of manipulatives (skill-based toys) to address fine motor skills.

Summer Camp at Temple Shaari Emeth is a wonderful experience for children. The staff is warm and loving and the staff-to-camper ratio is unbeatable. Summer camp runs for seven weeks. There are full- and half-day sessions with flexible days and weeks to attend.

Temple Shaari Emeth is a progressive, egalitarian Reform congregation and interfaith families are welcome. For more information and a tour, contact Jayne Lieberman at 732-462-3264 or [email protected]. Shaari Emeth’s web site is www.shaariemeth.org; “like” them on Facebook at facebook.com/shaariemeth.