South Brunswick Community Education’s Summer Camp

South Brunswick Community Education’s Summer Camp 2017 Camps promise fun, learning and excitement. Camps are open to all children, including residents of neighboring towns.

Day camps offer parents 7 a.m. to 6 p.m.. care from June 28 through Aug. 18 with lunch included. BASE Camp for grades 1-5 has theme-based sessions which include special events, filed trips, creative arts, active play, table games and sports.  Camp 678 for grades 6-8 is designed especially for middle school students, and combines creative arts, fitness, nature, community service, games, sports and much more.

Enrichment Camps include something for everyone grades K-8. Combine a morning and an afternoon camp, have lunch included for a full day of fun and learning.  Drop off as early as 7 a.m. and pick up as late as 6 p.m.  We offer a wide array of choices including STEAM, Cooking, Mad Science, Incrediflix, Reading, Writing, KidzArt, Bricks 4 Kidz, AlphaBEST, Science, Technology, Math, Summer Time Trio, Summer Mania, Engineering for Kids, Kindergarten Prep, Drawing, Theatre, Music Camps, Dance Academy, Woodworking and many more.

Sports Camps will include Football, Criket, Baseball, Softball, Volleyball, Lacrosse, Basketball, Soccer, Gymnastics, Tennis, Cheerleading, Track/Field, Cross-Country and Field Hockey.

Registration opens February, visit our website Register online before April 15 and receive early registration discounts.