Temple school provides education in Aberdeen

Temple Beth Ahm Religious School, Aberdeen, provides a well-rounded education that enables our students to become active, knowledgeable Jewish adults.

Our teachers are experienced Jewish educators who know how to merge the best of “what’s new” with the best of “what’s tried and true” in a comfortable, warm, and caring atmosphere where children, together with Jewish learning, thrive. All our lessons and activities are designed to keep the classes interesting and lively.

Each grade focuses on a specific area of study culminating in a well-rounded Jewish education. The students learn Hebrew and prayer, holidays, history, mitzvot, heritage, Israel, and Holocaust studies.  These studies are enriched with hands on experiences and trips.

All students receive their own Bar/Bat Mitzvah date.

Grades K – 2 meet on Sunday mornings (Temple affiliation is not required), 3rd – 7th twice a week on Wednesday 4:15 p.m. – 6 p.m. and Sunday 9 a.m. – 12:15 p.m.

The Temple also offers a Hebrew High School Program for grades 8 – 11. The High School is opened to non-temple members.

For Temple Beth Ahm, our goal is to create a strong love of Judaism, a sense of family, and a place for our children to feel at home. Come meet our family!!

For additional information, contact: Ann Gabel-Principal, Temple Beth Ahm Religious School, 550 Lloyd Road
Aberdeen, templebethahm.org.