Metuchen gallery opening set for Jan. 28

Words and images that are both ‘beautiful and powerful’ are brought together in the newest exhibit at Nails in the Wall, the Gallery at St. Luke’s, 17 Oak Ave., Metuchen. The opening will be held from 2-5 p.m. Jan. 28.

The exhibit includes nearly 70 pieces of work in varied media from local artists and by artists as far away as Israel and all over the United States.

With refreshments provided by the Metuchen Inn, and live music by the staff of the Westerhoff School, the opening is an event that brings together the local arts community. It is free and open to all.

“Beautiful and Powerful Statements,” an exhibit of art work that features calligraphy and other text-dominant art, as well as art created from re-purposed materials, will continue on exhibit through May 31, 2017.

For more information, visit or call the Director at 732-322-6512.