Chabad to honor Freehold woman

A woman who has enriched the Jewish life of her family while volunteering and participating in Chabad programs will be honored during Chabad of Western Monmouth County’s 30th annual Jewish Women’s Day program.

The program will take place on Feb. 12 at the Freehold Jewish Center, Freehold Borough, beginning at 11:15 a.m. The theme of this year’s symposium, which honors all Jewish women in the community, is “Adversity to Triumph,” according to a press release.

Freehold resident Lana Landis will be honored with the Eishet Chayil (Woman of Valor) award during the event.

Landis was born in the former Soviet Union and came to the United States with her family at the age of 9. Her husband, Doug, is a general contractor who owns his own business and Lana works as a controller for a company in Manalapan. The couple are the parents of Shannon, 22, Andrew, 18, and Julia, 14.

“There were many things in my Jewish observance that I started because I wanted to make sure I taught my children by example. I wanted to make sure the children not only saw me perform mitzvahs, but saw me enjoying doing them,” Landis said.

“Chabad has been instrumental to my Jewish observance,” she added. “From classes to advice to support, it is always a comfortable and safe environment to ask questions and know you are getting accurate answers and not just what you want to hear.”

The guest speaker will be Lakewood native Sarri Singer, who survived a terrorist bus bombing in Israel on June 11, 2003. Singer is the founder and director of Strength to Strength, which focuses on bringing together victims of terrorism from around the world and assisting with long-term psychological needs.

Tickets are $45 with a prepaid reservation by Feb. 1. Admission after that date will be $54. For reservations, call 732-972-3687.