Seminar on healthy divorce choices offered Feb. 7

The Jersey Shore Collaborative Law Group will hold a free seminar about Collaborative Divorce on Feb. 7 at the Tomaro Professional Center, 1704 Maxwell Drive (next to Route 138), 3rd Floor, Wall. A women only seminar will be held at 4 p.m. and a men only seminar will be held at 5:30 p.m.

Professionals will be available after the presentation to provide information and answer questions. Registration is available online at or under the “Events” tab, or by calling 732-704-4639.

The Jersey Shore Collaborative Law Group has an experienced and trained membership consisting of attorneys, financial professionals, divorce coaches and advisors that focus on educating the public in Monmouth and Ocean counties about the benefits of Collaborative Divorce. Collaborative Divorce aims to foster a respectful, amiable and reasonable resolution between spouses using a “divorce team.” The team works together to create a fair settlement in the best interest of the couple and family without litigation.

The seminar on Feb. 7 will discuss the divorce options available in New Jersey—“Do it yourself,” Litigation, Mediation, and Collaborative Divorce.

Professionals will introduce and explain the benefits of a Collaborative Divorce – a healthy divorce choice.