Garden club to hold talk on Mount Vernon estate

RUMSON — Dean Norton, director of horticulture at George Washington’s estate in Mount Vernon, Virginia, will present “Welcome Home George Washington: The History, Beauty, Use and Importance of Garden Landscapes at Our First President’s Home” from 11 a.m.-noon on Feb. 7 at the Rumson Country Club, 163 Rumson Rd., Rumson.

The free lecture is open to the public.

Even as he led the new country through the Revolutionary War and took on the responsibility of being the nation’s first president, George Washington’s mind was rarely far from the lush gardens and majestic views at Mount Vernon.

Washington was very interested in garden design, particularly the naturalistic style of 18th-century English landscape designer Batty Langley. He oversaw all aspects of the landscape at Mount Vernon and designed walks, roads and lawns and planted hundreds of native trees and shrubs. His gardens provided food for the mansion’s inhabitants and guests.

All four of the principal gardens at Mount Vernon have been researched, restored and replanted, including the upper pleasure garden, lower (or kitchen) garden, botanical garden and the fruit garden and nursery.

“Our goal at Mount Vernon is to so accurately maintain and represent the gardens at Mount Vernon that if George and Martha Washington were to return, they would feel right at home,” said Norton.

Reservations are not required for the lecture. More information can be obtained by contacting Liz Card, club president, at [email protected].